Profit is only a side effect Profit is only a side effect - eBook-Ausgabe
How to combine entrepreneurial success and a happy life.
Profit is only a side effect — Inhalt
„Profit is Only a Side-Effect“
„For me, success means balancing all the aspects of life that make me who I am as a person.“
Gerold Wolfarth shows you
- Ten simple rules for how to balance entrepreneurial success and a fulfilling life.
- The perfect tools for the day-to-day management of companies and for successful self-management.
- How to succeed and yet to remain true to yourself.
„Profit is Only a Side-Effect“
is aimed at all who want to
- live authentically and consciously,
- communicate more effectively,
- increase their competence,
- be more confident,
- be successful and fulfilled in all areas of life,
- inspire and fascinate people.
Six years after starting his own business, Gerold Wolfarth’s enterprise was suddenly in dire straits. But the young entrepreneur stayed strong and found a solution. While expanding his business into a market leader operating throughout Europe, he made a surprising discovery: entrepreneurial success is compatible with – and might even depend upon – taking care to lead a fulfilling life in all its aspects. Gerold Wolfarth now knows that ten points are the key to his success. In „Profit is Only a Side-Effect“, he introduces them and explains how they can guide one’s life.
Nine surprising facts about Gerold Wolfarth
- From the son of simple farmer he became the CEO of a Europe-wide company.
- He began to manage the family farm when he was only 8 years old.
- He completed his first Ironman at the age of twenty-two - for months his day started at 4:30 in the morning.
- At the age of twenty-six he became the manager of a franchise business.
- He has led his company from a one-man business to the European market leader.
- Six years after its founding, his company was about to go out of business. He saved it.
- Recipe for success No. 1: Do not bend, but be open, honest and direct.
- Recipe for success No. 2: Concentrate on the essentials.
- Recipe for success No. 3: Take your fellow human beings seriously in all areas of your life.
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